Thursday, May 31, 2012

That little sticker is trying to tell you something

Next time your in the grocery store or market searching for the best looking fruit or veggie, take a second look at the PLU sticker. Price look up codes are a set of numbers that are there to make check-out a lot easier and to tell you whether your food was conventionally grown, organic or genetically modified/engineered (GMO). Let's take a banana for example. If the sticker has 4 numbers and begin with 3 or 4 (4011) then it would be conventionally grown. If the sticker has 5 digits and has a 9 in front of it (94011) then it was organically grown. If it has 5 numbers and has an 8 in front of it (84011) then it was genetically modified or engineered. What does genetically modified mean? It means that some scientists decided to play around with the structure/genes of the fruit, adding a little here and taking a little there, to create a larger more colorful fruit or veggie. Go ahead and take a look around your kitchen and find out what your really eating. You may be surprised.

Monday, April 16, 2012

You decided to make a change, now what?

First and most importantly, WAY TO GO on making the decision to make some positive changes in your life. It is hard to step out of our comfort zone and try new things, especially since we are used to the current daily grind, but there comes a time when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So what now? What are you supposed to do now that you made the decision to get healthy?

Well...I say start small! This is very important and will help you stay on track.

Let's start with food. What should you eat? Try not to look at it as what you CAN'T eat but what you CAN eat.
Your goal should be to eat foods that are in their natural state, meaning un processed foods.
Veggies, fruits, whole grains (if you can tolerate) lean meats and drink plenty of water.

Limit your intake of processed foods. What are processed foods? Well, for example if it was made in a factory then that pretty much sums it up. If it can sit on your shelf and still be "edible" a month later, then that qualifies.

Limit fast food, sugar, soda, alcohol and deep fried foods. Sure we all enjoy the goodness every once in a while, but our bodies are not built to eat crap.

If you feed your body actual food, then it will be nice to you and in return you will feel better, have more energy and lose weight.

You have heard me say time and time again that it's all about the food you eat...and it is!

When should you eat?

If you can have your first meal within an hour of waking up and following that meal with another "clean" meal 3 hours later for a total of 5-6 meals/day, your bodies metabolism will wake up and thank you.

Your meals should be smaller meals, I'm not talking about a burger and fries every 3 hours.
Shoot for a lean protein and a complex carb and some veggies and or fruit.

Exercise, what to do what to do?
What do you LIKE to do? What are you willing to do and how can you fit it in your schedule?

Something as simple as getting a walk in 3 times a week is a great start! This is where I started after having my son. Once you see how great you feel after, then you will want more and you will be able to do more from the increased energy.
Maybe increase your walks to 5 times/day. Get yourself into a nice routine that your comfortable with and that you know you can do.

Now that your walks are going smoothly, now start to challenge yourself. Instead of keeping your normal pace, start doing some intervals.

What are intervals? Interval training is when you work as hard as you can for a certain amount of time (lets say 30 seconds) then recover for (lets say 1 minute) and repeat that routine for 15-20 minutes.

You can jog/run and walk, do sprints and walk, climb stairs at the local track and walk, climb hills and walk. Basically anything that will challenge you and make you WORK!

Like to ride bike? Throw that in there too!

I always say that a well rounded workout routine and eating the right foods is key. Adding weight lifting to your schedule is a great way to watch your body transform. Since our bodies get used to the same thing over and over, we need to change things up and add new exercises always keeping it guessing whats next.

Give yourself a break and don't be too hard on yourself if you mess up! Keep in mind that it takes a while for you to get used to a new lifestyle change. Yes, lifestyle NOT diet. It's a learning process, just be patient and make sure you show up for the next challenge the following day.

So, what did I just say?

* eat real foods, experiment with new fun recipes
* shop the outer edges of the grocery store and limit processed foods
* start small, taking it one day at a time
* find something that you enjoy to do, and push yourself to find your new comfort zone
* don't be hard on yourself...hey! your trying right?
* WATER...drink it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


You have set your goals in place, have your day, week and month all in order ready to go. You think to yourself "I'm actually going to do it this time.". Then someone you know makes a comment that makes you re-think your goals which has you asking yourself "can I do this?"

Why is it that we let other peoples opinions and thoughts affect our lives and goals?
Answer: YOU DON'T!

You can either let their negativity take hold of your mind set OR you can use it as fuel to crush your goals. To work even harder each day, doing that extra rep and running just a couple minutes longer.

Remember why you started your journey! Remember why you want to get healthy and stronger, inside and out.

Most importantly, remember that your mind is one powerful tool. You just have to figure out how your going to utilize it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bucket List 1.) Compete

I have been thinking about this on and off for years. This is something I always thought that "others" did and there was no way that I would be able to do something like this. Stepping out of my comfort zone! That would be an understatement.

So many times I am telling others to set goals, stick with them and find a new challenge. At the same time I still have this thought in the back of my mind, should I or shouldn't I? Well, I know the answer is YES! Now it just comes down to sucking it up and doing it.

There is so much to think about and plan for. When, where and am I really ready for this.

The lifestyle is crazy and you pretty much become a robot, making sure not to crack under temptation and pressure. I think, well why not, theres nothing really else that is challenging me at this time. It will give me something to focus on and will show myself just how strong I really am.

How about you, do you have a bucket list or goals that keep talking to you but your affraid of jumping in?

Monday, February 6, 2012


You have heard people, including myself say over and over that the food that you eat plays a direct role in your fitness results.
It can not be stressed enough. You have to fuel your body as well as your workouts with the proper food. We are talking about REAL actual FOOD! Stick to clean foods, foods that are in their original natural state and not processed, lean meats, water, water and more water.

You can think about eating clean and fueling your body all you want but then you have to put it into action. Make a list and get shopping! Set aside a day or two a week for food prep, grilling your chicken, steaming veggies etc and have everything in tupperware ready to go. Throw them in the fridge or freezer so you can grab and go. The more prepared you are, the less likely you will want to eat unhealthy because "you don't have any food". We have all used and heard that one.
So, it's time to prepare and take charge!

One new lil gem I will be making this week and trying for the first time is Jamie Eason's turkey muffins. They are easy to take a long and eat on the fly, at he same time assuring your getting your clean protein intake for the day.

I will post a pic and step by step recipe soon!

Heres to a fantastic successful week of reaching your goals and kicking butt in your workouts!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Photo Shoot

I had my first fitness photo shoot a couple of weeks ago. It was a great experience and I had a blast!
Though I am not real cut and ready to hop up on stage, I am proud of my progress so far in my journey. My goal and plan is to one day compete in a fitness competition.

I had the pleasure to work with Heather from Columbus Boudior Photography. She is SO good at what she does, making sure to find YOUR good shots and angles.

My makeup and hair was done by Meg Morosco from Makeup Artistry by Meg. Plain and simple...SHE ROCKS! They both do, and I am glad I got to work with them.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Need a headstart to eating clean?

My favorite website that has fantastic recipes is The Gracious Pantry. This wonderful woman started out with her own weight loss journey and has decided to share all of her expertise and good yummy food ideas with you and I.

She has simple 5 ingredient recipes, tips in how to get started and everything from multiple oatmeal recipes to a full holiday spread. I highly encourage you to check her site out

You won't be disappointed!

Where and how do you find the time?

We are all busy in this non stop, never-sit-down of a world that we live in. A lot of people express concern when it comes to finding time to workout. Many have kids, a full-time job, odd working hours, single parent and the list goes on. So what do you do? You have decided that your going to make a change. Your sick and tired of the way you feel and look but theres just not enough time in the day to do the things that are on your list, lil lone adding in a workout. What is the secret? Schedule your workout in just like you would schedule any other appt! YOU come first! If you want something, if you want a change, if you want results, then you have to get up early, go to bed later, workout while your kids are taking a nap, workout while your kids fall asleep at night, go for a walk on your lunch break, as soon as you come home and before you sit down to put your feet up...get your workout clothes on and get your butt in gear! The longer you wait, the more likely your going to talk yourself out of doing it.

Hate getting up early? ME TOO! I think I should be able to sleep in until noon, just like the old days when I didn't have any responsibility, but we grow up and things change. Can you get up earlier and do a quick workout? YES! Will you dread getting out of bed? ABSOLUTELY! But once you get going (it's that initial act of rolling out of bed and throwing your clothes on that is the hardest) you will feel like you are on top of the world! Why? Because you accomplished a new goal of making your fat cry at crazy:30 in the morning.

Benefits: energized througout the day, metabolism will already be working in your favor AND the best part....ready..when you get home from a long day of doing whatever it is that you can tend to your family, sit down and unwind etc and not have to worry about how and when your going to get your workout in.

Another option would be to get your workout in right away when you get home or if you have to wait until after the kids are in bed, or dinner is done etc. The point is..MAKE TIME! This is YOUR time!

I know it is easier said than done. The hardest part is getting up and actually doing it. But I am telling you that if you want a change YOU have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Yes it will be difficult at first but if it were easy we all would be fantastic shape without a worry in the world.

This all comes down to how bad do you really want this. This is something you have to ask yourself almost everyday as your mind tries to play tricks, talk you out of and tell you that you don't need to eat that way and you can just wait until tomorrow. Waiting until tomorrow is how you ended up here in the first place. What if you just said "okay, today I am going to do SOMETHING!" It doesn't have to be a marathon but it will be a lot better than yesterday. Keep going with this thought and treat each day like this. Each day should be an improvement from the last. We are not looking for perfection, we are just looking for small steps each day to get to your goal. BTW do you have a goal? WRITE IT DOWN!

You have the will power to do anything you set your mind to. It's wether how closely you listen to that voice in your head.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

Each day comes and goes and each day you say to yourself "ugh I am way too busy but tomorrow I will make SURE to get a workout in" "Just one more bad greasy meal and then tomorrow I will make sure to eat good"

So why are you still sitting there eating the same ol crap as yesterday?
There is time if you make time. You are the number one priority. It is time to take a stand and say enough is enough already. Make the changes to your schedule and daily routine so that YOU come first. If you want to be healthy and fit then you have to do the small steps each day.

It happens to all of us including myself. It is so much easier to just sit on the couch and relax and eat what you want and not have to worry. That's great but if you have made up your mind to make a change, then you need to take that giant step and commitment and get moving in the right direction.

Is it hard? Yes! If it were easy then we all would be in fantastic prime shape. Prove to yourself that you CAN do day at a time.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why is this so HARD?!

I want to swim laps, breathe and not die. That is my goal. Why is this so hard to do all at once? Timing your breathing while out of breath and not taking in a huge gulp of water while your head is out of the water but obviously not enough, is what I am struggling with.

Yesterday I had my friend Alison teach me how to lap swim. Sure I can do that but not with the head in the water. I am supposed to be in great shape so you would think that I would last longer than half the pool. Ha yeah right. Once your heart really starts to pump, of course your next step is going to want to take a huge breath. Then theres the leg work. Oh my goodness I thought I would die.

Though I didn't make it very far, I am very excited to go back and keep practicing. I WILL DO THIS! Besides, how can I do a TRI without the swim?

I left the pool feeling amazing! My whole body was worked and I was ready for more. In the meantime I will be working on my cardio so I can be able to pull everything together and maybe make it the entire lenth of the pool.

Simply fantastic and a new challenge~

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Starting Again

I have started to blog again! Why I quit...I guess just another one of those things that fell by the wayside.

Still here pushing hard to reach my goals with some set backs as well.
Right now I am preparing for my first photo shoot for my Personal Training/Nutrition Coach website. Very exciting and crazy at the same time.

I had to set the date back by a good 2 months. In August we found out that I was prego...YAY!!! Then 2 weeks later I found myself in the hospital having emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. (meaning the "baby" has implanted in the wrong place) and this time it was in my tube.

So, with all of that going on you could say I went through some emotional issues. I had a field day with food! That weekend I splurged on Mexican,pancakes,pizza and who knows what else. I wasn't able to workout for a couple of weeks and my abs couldn't be worked for a good 4 weeks.

After setting my new date..which is coming up real fast, I was able to get in the zone. Now I am working against the past 2 months of damage. Training daily and trying to keep my nutrition spot on. Today I started carb cycling for the remainder of the time. Lifting hard and heavy and giving it my all. We shall see what the outcome is but I will know that I worked hard to get there. Besides, I can always take more pictures later.

Will I be completely lean? No, but I will have crossed off a couple of goals from my list.

Onward and upward~

Friday, October 28, 2011

Beachbody Challenge

Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success

I would like to personally invite you to my BEACHBODY CHALLENGE!! This group will be restricted to 5 people!! You will get exclusive feedback and support through this group on a private Facebook page. Due to the amount of time invested in your success I am only able to include 5 people but I will be forming a waiting list for anyone that isn't able to get into the challenge. Think of this challenge as a virtual fitness camp. A way for you to take your fitness to the next level with all the support you need.


You will purchase a Challenge Pack which includes a workout program, Shakeology, a 30 day trial of Beachbody club membership (which gives you access to our awesome meal planner) and my unending support throughout the term of the challenge.


It's a nutritional protein shake that provides a wide spectrum of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Shakeology is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be. Go to to learn more and get indepth information about Shakeology.


It's out for 30, 60 or 90 days (depending on which workout you choose), replace ONE MEAL A DAY with Shakeology, use the Team Beachbody Club meal planner, and reach your goals!

Here is a guide to help you choose the program that is right for you:

The best part is that you will get my one on one support throughout the program-- a virtual boot camp to reach your fitness goals and to find the healthiest you!!

If you have not already, you will need to officially sign up to have me as your coach by going to:

Don't forget about the CASH PRIZES!! If you log your workouts in the Team Beachbody WOWY Virtual Super Gym you qualify for a daily giveaway of $500, monthly giveaway of $1000 and quarterly giveaway of $5000 and the grand prize will be given away in June of 2012 and is $100,000. You can see all of the contest details at . It is AMAZING the money they are giving away just to help people get fit and healthy!! I want all of my clients to get a piece of the action!!

TOGETHER the 6 of us would BEGIN OUR JOURNEY. Checking in EVERY DAY, without exception!

I will be giving these 5 my cell phone number for anytime support and you BETTER BELIEVE I will be calling YOU if you don't hear from you on the boards!

This IS a commitment... ON MY PART AND YOURS! I will be here every step of the way to cheer you on, answer any questions, pick you up if you fall and see to it that you reach ALL of you goals and complete the challenge!

If you are ready to transform your life message me @ and we will get you started!

**Challenge packs will be available to order November 1st. Orders need to be placed no later than November 7th so we will be ready to start on time.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What is different?

Why is it that some people can get up in the morning and run 5 miles at 4:00 a.m., go to work for 12 hours and come home and do another workout, and others have a hard enough time just getting off the couch after talking themselves into it and not pushing it off till tomorrow once again. What is different? Are they programmed differently? How can he/she eat clean everyday with no cheating but others continuously drink 3 pops/day and go through the drive thru to order their cheeseburger and fries?

Well what did you come up with? The answer is NOTHING! Nothing is different! Everyone and anyone can do anything they set their mind to. It is all in your mind. You have to decide that enough is enough and it is time to make a change. Instead of letting yourself sleep in...GET UP! You would be amazed how great you feel once you get up and get some good cardio in before your day starts. I have put this off for the longest time. There was No Way I was going to wake up at 5:30 and go workout! Why? Because I love to sleep. Seriously?! What is an extra 30-45 minutes going to do. I will tell you. It is going to make you feel like you did it! You accomplished a great goal before your day has even begun. You have made the right choice today to be healthier and better yet, there are no excuses when the rest of your day gets busy to why you can't fit a workout in.

Wanting to do something and actually doing it does not have to be so far apart. Just do it, just try and see. You would be amazed at what you can do once you set your mind to it. I keep challenging myself daily and I have not come to a stop yet. Nothing is holding me back or nailing me to the ground preventing me from eating right and working out. If you tell yourself you can't and it's not possible...then it won't be and you won't do it. Tell yourself you CAN and you WILL. Everything that I have done since starting my journey in September has been a dream of mine, somthing that I have always put in the back of my mind telling myself "oh that would be nice to do..but" That "but" is what separates the achievers from the non-achievers.

Challenge yourself, push yourself and try your hardest and sit back and watch yourself soar.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hello there!

I have been away far too long. I have not stopped with my fitness goals, in fact things have been going really well and each day I am getting closer and closer. While I was gone I received my Personal Fitness certification and have added a lot of folks to my team, so I can help them reach their fitness and nutrition goals. So you could say things have been very good and busy. Life does get in the way and it all comes down to being organized and making time for the things that are important.

A couple of things that are helping me: write down my goals for the day, in the process of making a visual goal board, and keeping my calendar by my side so I know what I need to accomplish. Crossing things off the list including your exercise is a great feeling. Schedule your workouts like you would schedule a dentist appt. Hold youself accountable, take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be there.

I have a new goal to reach before our trip to Mexico. Let's see how lean I can get. Yes I have a ways to go, but I am very happy with my progress so far.