Thursday, October 28, 2010


For one to actively seek out ways to put your body through torment is what some might call Crazy.

My journey started September 1st with my first day of P90X. My goal was to complete the first week. Once that was accomplished I was EXTREMELY excited and HOOKED!

My transformation so far has been great, now at day 50 something I had a bright idea to do MORE. As if I wasn't puting my body through enough each day.

For some reason I thought, why not? You have nothing better to do.  So why don't you order a program called INSANITY?.  I mean REALLY!? C'mon now.

Well I received it in the mail today and have previewed a couple of the disks to see what tomorrow will bring.  My plan is to do a P90X/INSANITY Hybrid.  Replacing  the cardio workouts that I would normally do with  P90X with INSANITY.  On top of that I am going to continue to do doubles, meaning I will be working out twice a day and on lifting days I will add cardio from INSANITY to the mix.. Because remember, why not!

Tomorrow will be tough but I for some reason am very excited. Again, what's wrong with me?  I recall back in high school running killers,line drills,sprints and everything else that made you want to vomit, and well I HATED it!  Never did I think, wow I wish I could do this twice a day lil lone once.

When you get older and out of school you think to yourself, now it's ME time.  I don't want to run drills or jump higher or run faster. Why? Because I don't want to thats why.  I want to sit on the couch and relax.  If I want to laze around all day I can.  Without being told to get movin'.
After so many years of focussing on ME, getting older and letting everything catch up (to your butt, thighs and gut) you realize, you need to get your butt OFF of the couch and DO something.  Quit pushing it off till the next day and the next day. Just do it already!

So I did and I couldn't be happier.  Once you get started and in your routine you do become a lil crazy, looking for more, wanting to push your body to the next level to reach your goals.  Which by the goal=to be LEAN!

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