Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1

Today was day one of the hybrid. It consisted of the Fit Test (INSANITY) chest,shoulders and triceps (P90X) followed by Cardio Abs (INSANITY).

Good news=I made it. The fit test wasn't too bad actually. Only because I have been working out for almost 2 months. After 25 minutes my body felt like I had been working out for at least an hour. WOW! And this is just the fit test. This man is crazy. Who sits down in their free time and dreams up things like this?  Then again who sits down in their free time and decides to order such a program. I guess it could go both ways.

I am still pointing and laughing when it comes time to do one arm push ups. Maybe if we did them in the beginning of the workout I would be able to at least go down half way. But at the end of Chest/Shoulders and Tris my arms are like Jello.  Which means it's a great workout.

Cardio ABS was a nice change today (I replaced Ab Ripper X). I liked that it was something different. I think in the future incorporating both programs and the Ab workouts will give me fantastic results.

Tomorrow is crazy mans version of Plyometrics. I don't even want to think about it. I know this is going to be a BIG one and I am ready for the challenge.


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