Monday, April 18, 2011

What is different?

Why is it that some people can get up in the morning and run 5 miles at 4:00 a.m., go to work for 12 hours and come home and do another workout, and others have a hard enough time just getting off the couch after talking themselves into it and not pushing it off till tomorrow once again. What is different? Are they programmed differently? How can he/she eat clean everyday with no cheating but others continuously drink 3 pops/day and go through the drive thru to order their cheeseburger and fries?

Well what did you come up with? The answer is NOTHING! Nothing is different! Everyone and anyone can do anything they set their mind to. It is all in your mind. You have to decide that enough is enough and it is time to make a change. Instead of letting yourself sleep in...GET UP! You would be amazed how great you feel once you get up and get some good cardio in before your day starts. I have put this off for the longest time. There was No Way I was going to wake up at 5:30 and go workout! Why? Because I love to sleep. Seriously?! What is an extra 30-45 minutes going to do. I will tell you. It is going to make you feel like you did it! You accomplished a great goal before your day has even begun. You have made the right choice today to be healthier and better yet, there are no excuses when the rest of your day gets busy to why you can't fit a workout in.

Wanting to do something and actually doing it does not have to be so far apart. Just do it, just try and see. You would be amazed at what you can do once you set your mind to it. I keep challenging myself daily and I have not come to a stop yet. Nothing is holding me back or nailing me to the ground preventing me from eating right and working out. If you tell yourself you can't and it's not possible...then it won't be and you won't do it. Tell yourself you CAN and you WILL. Everything that I have done since starting my journey in September has been a dream of mine, somthing that I have always put in the back of my mind telling myself "oh that would be nice to do..but" That "but" is what separates the achievers from the non-achievers.

Challenge yourself, push yourself and try your hardest and sit back and watch yourself soar.

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