Saturday, October 29, 2011

Starting Again

I have started to blog again! Why I quit...I guess just another one of those things that fell by the wayside.

Still here pushing hard to reach my goals with some set backs as well.
Right now I am preparing for my first photo shoot for my Personal Training/Nutrition Coach website. Very exciting and crazy at the same time.

I had to set the date back by a good 2 months. In August we found out that I was prego...YAY!!! Then 2 weeks later I found myself in the hospital having emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. (meaning the "baby" has implanted in the wrong place) and this time it was in my tube.

So, with all of that going on you could say I went through some emotional issues. I had a field day with food! That weekend I splurged on Mexican,pancakes,pizza and who knows what else. I wasn't able to workout for a couple of weeks and my abs couldn't be worked for a good 4 weeks.

After setting my new date..which is coming up real fast, I was able to get in the zone. Now I am working against the past 2 months of damage. Training daily and trying to keep my nutrition spot on. Today I started carb cycling for the remainder of the time. Lifting hard and heavy and giving it my all. We shall see what the outcome is but I will know that I worked hard to get there. Besides, I can always take more pictures later.

Will I be completely lean? No, but I will have crossed off a couple of goals from my list.

Onward and upward~

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