Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where and how do you find the time?

We are all busy in this non stop, never-sit-down of a world that we live in. A lot of people express concern when it comes to finding time to workout. Many have kids, a full-time job, odd working hours, single parent and the list goes on. So what do you do? You have decided that your going to make a change. Your sick and tired of the way you feel and look but theres just not enough time in the day to do the things that are on your list, lil lone adding in a workout. What is the secret? Schedule your workout in just like you would schedule any other appt! YOU come first! If you want something, if you want a change, if you want results, then you have to get up early, go to bed later, workout while your kids are taking a nap, workout while your kids fall asleep at night, go for a walk on your lunch break, as soon as you come home and before you sit down to put your feet up...get your workout clothes on and get your butt in gear! The longer you wait, the more likely your going to talk yourself out of doing it.

Hate getting up early? ME TOO! I think I should be able to sleep in until noon, just like the old days when I didn't have any responsibility, but we grow up and things change. Can you get up earlier and do a quick workout? YES! Will you dread getting out of bed? ABSOLUTELY! But once you get going (it's that initial act of rolling out of bed and throwing your clothes on that is the hardest) you will feel like you are on top of the world! Why? Because you accomplished a new goal of making your fat cry at crazy:30 in the morning.

Benefits: energized througout the day, metabolism will already be working in your favor AND the best part....ready..when you get home from a long day of doing whatever it is that you can tend to your family, sit down and unwind etc and not have to worry about how and when your going to get your workout in.

Another option would be to get your workout in right away when you get home or if you have to wait until after the kids are in bed, or dinner is done etc. The point is..MAKE TIME! This is YOUR time!

I know it is easier said than done. The hardest part is getting up and actually doing it. But I am telling you that if you want a change YOU have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Yes it will be difficult at first but if it were easy we all would be fantastic shape without a worry in the world.

This all comes down to how bad do you really want this. This is something you have to ask yourself almost everyday as your mind tries to play tricks, talk you out of and tell you that you don't need to eat that way and you can just wait until tomorrow. Waiting until tomorrow is how you ended up here in the first place. What if you just said "okay, today I am going to do SOMETHING!" It doesn't have to be a marathon but it will be a lot better than yesterday. Keep going with this thought and treat each day like this. Each day should be an improvement from the last. We are not looking for perfection, we are just looking for small steps each day to get to your goal. BTW do you have a goal? WRITE IT DOWN!

You have the will power to do anything you set your mind to. It's wether how closely you listen to that voice in your head.

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