Saturday, November 19, 2011

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

Each day comes and goes and each day you say to yourself "ugh I am way too busy but tomorrow I will make SURE to get a workout in" "Just one more bad greasy meal and then tomorrow I will make sure to eat good"

So why are you still sitting there eating the same ol crap as yesterday?
There is time if you make time. You are the number one priority. It is time to take a stand and say enough is enough already. Make the changes to your schedule and daily routine so that YOU come first. If you want to be healthy and fit then you have to do the small steps each day.

It happens to all of us including myself. It is so much easier to just sit on the couch and relax and eat what you want and not have to worry. That's great but if you have made up your mind to make a change, then you need to take that giant step and commitment and get moving in the right direction.

Is it hard? Yes! If it were easy then we all would be in fantastic prime shape. Prove to yourself that you CAN do day at a time.

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