Monday, November 29, 2010


I have to apologize, I have been away on a mini Turkey vacation for a few days and I did not have access to a computer so it has been a while since I have posted.

I managed to maintain my weight and eat pretty well considering the circumstances.  The only mishaps I had were sweets and a few glasses of wine.  As far as Thanksgiving dinner went I was pretty lucky.  I had grilled turkey, wild/brown rice, fruit, and grilled asparagus. Then came the pumpkin pie and twice baked sweet potatoes. Even though I didn't over eat, the feeling I had once I was done is inexplainable. I was SO tired, nauseated and my heart was pounding. Needless to say I had to take a good hour rest before I was able to function again.  I can't imagine how I would feel if I would of had the usual traditional meal but I am glad I tried the things that I did and enjoyed myself.

Today is Monday and I couldn't be happier to be home back in my routine eating clean on schedule and  starting the day off with  Shakeology.

Monday is the start over day for a lot of folks. The weekends can be a disaster, you just want to forget what you ate and didn't do and start FRESH. 

Stay strong and stick with it! Don't be too hard on yourself and remember tomorrow is a  new day.

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