Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pictures are your friend

Taking before pictures is a great way to help you stay motivated.  These along with measurements and how your clothes are fitting is a great way to  gauge your success.  Often times the scale is NOT your friend when starting a work out program or throughout your transformation.  Yes it is helpful to show you some progress when it comes to what your putting in your mouth but at the same time other factors come into play such as: water retention from a decreased amount of water intake in general, the repair process your muscles go through after you rip them apart with your work out routine and for women the good ol T.O.M.  This is just talking about water.  Throw in the changes your body goes through when piling on muscle to replace the fat and you have just found yourself frustrated and confused.

So! My point is, take your before pictures. Trust me it will help you when your feeling you need that extra push.  I look at my before, 30 days etc pictures all the time.  It reminds me that YES I am making progress and YES my body IS changing.  You might not see it in the mirror, I know I didn't.

I will be updating my pictures this weekend and I'm hoping  to see a change so check back and see my transformation.

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