Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What was the result?

Last week I posted that I had to give myself a little pep talk to get back on track as well as asking for some help to keep me accountable.  Well it was a great week! I was able to do all of my work outs and eat clean, minus some holiday treats but come on we are all human.  Do you know what it is like eating something sweet after not having the satisfaction for so long.  Oh my goodness. YUM!

Okay focus.  Why am I telling you this?  Everyone has set backs every now and then and we all need help at some point to remind us why we are working so hard.

After making myself get back into it like I should have been, I am out of my slump and excited and ready to rock it every day.  With a week of working hard and watching what I put in my mouth I am able to see a great change with my physical appearance (stomach). Hello Abs I have missed you.

What about the holidays?  I am planning on eating as clean as possible as well as indulging in some treats and other foods that I normally would not eat. Mainly because where I am going, everyone else does not eat the way I do so the parties will be my only challenge.  I will be hanging around the fruit and veggie area for sure.

 I don't really crave bad food, actually I crave broccoli and grilled chicken with brown rice.  It is weird to say  but that is my new comfort food.  I am to the point now that if I don't have clean food available to me then I am out of my element and very uncomfortable.  WOW is all I can say about that!  Knowing that my body craves actual food and the thought of grease, fat,sugar and other bad foods make me queasy not to mention it's a constant reminder that I will get sick if I do indulge.  Things have changed and I have come a long way.

I hope that you are all staying strong with your goals.  Don't get overwhelmed with the overall picture.  Set small daily goals if you have to, focusing on each day will help you out to stay on track. One day at a time my friends and it will happen.

Remember you can't control where you lose weight but you can control what you put in your mouth.


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